Selling a used computer is a great way to make some cash, but there are certain steps you want to take before you sell it, for your own protection. Keep reading to learn what they are. Then contact South Bay Jewelry & Loan at (310) 371-4571 if you would like to sell or request a pawn loan for your computer.
1. Back Up the Data on Your Computer
First and foremost, make sure you back up your data if there is anything on your computer that you do not want to lose. This includes things like photos, programs, and documents. You can use a cloud storage option, such as Dropbox, or you can use a removable device to store them.
2. Look for Your Product Keys for Your Installed Software
If you are going to replace your computer with a new one, find the product keys for any software you have and the copy of Windows that is installed on your computer. You can then use them to install them on your new computer. If you are not sure how to do this, use a product key finder program that can automatically do it for you.
3. Format the Hard Drive
This is just a fancy way of saying that you should wipe out all data before you sell your computer. This has two advantages. First, it prevents your information from getting into the hands of the next person. Sconed, it gives the buyer a clean environment from which to start using the computer.
4. Reinstall the Operating System
Once you have formatted your computer, there will be nothing on the hard drive – even an operating system. If you are going to sell the computer to someone that wants to see that it works, then you should install an operating system.
5. Clean the Computer
Finally, make sure that you clean it up before you take it to sell. Clean the screen, keyboard, mouse, and anything else that goes with it. While surface stains and minor grime shouldn’t make a difference on the value of the computer itself, it is always easier to see something that looks like it has been well taken care of versus something that has not.
Bring Your Computer to Us for a Great Offer
You can stop by South Bay Jewelry & Loan to get a quote for your computer or feel free to call us at (310) 371-4571 with any questions. You can walk into our shop with a computer and walk out with cash.