It’s hard to argue that designer handbags aren’t a status symbol that many women wouldn’t love to have. Yet no one wants to pay thousands of dollars to get one. The good news is that not having one and paying thousands of dollars are not your only option – you can also buy a used designer handbag. However, when doing so, it is important to follow the following tips.
Buy from a Person or Company You Trust
We do not recommend buying a designer handbag from someone selling on Craigslist or at a local corner. It is very easy to fake these so that the average person would never know the difference. If that is the quality you want, then go for it – but if you want a high-quality, authentic used designer handbag, buy it from a well-established pawn shop or another dealer that knows how to tell what’s real from what’s been faked.
It’s All About Condition
The price of a used designer handbag is not just about the color, designer, and style. It also involves the condition of the bag. Look for wear and tear on the corners and handles. Are there scratches – even very light scratches – on the hardware of the bag? It is up to the seller to fully disclose any and all wear, but you should know what to look for. You should also know what is acceptable. Are you willing to save a few hundred dollars to deal with light scuffs or scratches on the hardware?
Know What to Expect with Pricing
Many people go out to buy a used designer bag and assume that it will be available for half price just because it is used. Not so fast. Some bags can be bought for a fraction of what they sold for new, but others will not. Use this rule of thumb: the more coveted a bag is, the less it is going to depreciate in value. For example, if you are looking to buy a used Hermes or a Balenciaga, you should expect to pay fairly close to retail because these bags are impossible to find, even new.
Discuss Return Policies
In most cases, you are not going to be able to return a used designer handbag once you have bought it. This is normal for the industry, so do not panic – but do take the time to make sure it is authentic and just what you want before you buy it.
If you are curious about what types of used designer handbags are currently available for sale, we invite you to contact South Bay Jewelry & Loan at (310) 371-4571 or stop by our show to see what we have in stock.